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Artificial Intelligence - Avenues and Opportunities workshop

Artificial Intelligence - Avenues and Opportunities workshop

Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) at IIT Hyderabad under the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) in association with Department of Artificial Intelligence, IITH invites you for the first workshop in the workshop series on “Artificial Intelligence: Avenues and Opportunities”

Program Schedule: 20th November, 2021

  • 02:15PM - 02:25PM : Login by participants
  • 02:25PM - 02.30PM : Welcome address - Prof. Umashankar, Chair, CCE, IITH
  • 02:30PM - 03:30PM : Prof Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Head, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, IIT Hyderabad
  • 03:30PM - 04:30PM : Interaction with IITH Students, Dept of Artificial Intelligence
  • 04.30PM - 04.35PM : Vote of Thanks, Dr. Ranjith Ramadurai, Co-ordinator, TLC, IITH

Click here for Registration form Link.