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Best Oral Presentation Award for MTech student Mr. Vishnu K at International Conference on Laser and Other Deposition Techniques (iCOLD25)

Best Oral Presentation Award for MTech student Mr. Vishnu K at International Conference on Laser and Other Deposition Techniques (iCOLD25)

IITHyderabad congratulates Mr Vishnu K, a joint MTech student, working under the supervision of Dr Sachidananda Behera & Dr Anirban Naskar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, for receiving the Best Oral Presentation Award at the International Conference on Laser and Other Deposition Techniques (iCOLD25), jointly organized by IITHyderabad and IITMadras. The topic of his talk was “Development of a Novel Supersonic Nozzle for Laser-Assisted Cold Spray (LACS) Using CFD Analysis”.