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Suhash Ranjan Dey

Suhash Ranjan Dey

Position: Professor
  • Materials Science And Metallurgical Engineering
  • Climate Change
Ph.D: Laboratory of Texture and applications to Materials, University of Paul Verlaine - Metz
Research Interests:
  • Multi-Component Alloys
  • Titanium Alloys
  • CIGS/CZTS Solar Cells
  • Electrodeposition
  • Biomaterials
  • Biomedical Materials
  • Biomedical Devices
  • Sensors
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Catalysis
  • Climate Change
  • Energy
  • Nanoscience & Technology
  • Waste Management
  • Materials Processing
Office Address:

Room: MSME-304,
MSME Block
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Kandi-502284, Sangareddy
Telangana, India

E-mail: Contact me
Office Phone: (040) 2301 - 6552