For working professionals IITH offer executive M.Tech program. The executive M.Tech program is offered by the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering.
The Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Hyderabad offers M.Tech. in Data Science, exclusively for industry professionals. The program is self-paced so that candidates can have flexibility in completing the program in 3-5 years. The program can be completed at the IIT-H campus or remotely through video-enabled online courses (with periodic visits to the IIT-H campus, typically scheduled on weekends).
The Dept. of Biomedical Engineering offers an executive M.Tech program in Biodesign. The target audience are industry professional having mimi,u, 2 years of experience with a B.Tech, B.Des, M.Sc, MBBS or BDS degree. The duration of the program is 2 years and the candidates may exit after one year (after completion of 24 credits) with certificate in Biodesign from IITH.
The Center for Healthcare Entrepreneurship (CfHE) offers a 12 months long fellowship program comprising of 30 credits of class room entrepreneurship training, including 8 weeks of clinical immersion at healthcare provider/hospitals. Successful Entrepreneurs with start-up companies would be further admitted to CfHE for incubation for one more year. Rigorous admission requirements and expert selection committee will pick the best candidates with engineering, medicine, pharmaceutical or social science backgrounds. The program will organize admitted candidates in diverse skill teams. The CfHE program builds on and takes active guidance from Stanford Universityas Bio-Design fellowship program. Two Stanford faculty, Dr. Rajiv Doshi and Dr. Anurag Mairal are involved in concept, design and monitoring of the program for minimum of next 24 months. At the successful completion of the program, the fellows are awarded joint certificate by CHE and IITH. The program expects the startups to get further funding from the VC community. Government agencies and foundations may also provide financial support to a lesser degree