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FRIENDSHIP 2.0 Joint Research Grant List 2022

PI Research Topic Co-PI
Name Sex Department Name University Department
Prof Bhargava Anamika F Biotechnology Challenging the paradigm: activating T-type calcium channel isoform Cav3.1 for breast cancer therapeutics Prof Maturana Andres Daniel Nagoya University Laboratory of Animal Cell Physiology, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Prof PANDA TARUN KANTI M Chemistry Atom Economic Hydroboration of C X Unsaturated Bonds as Green Method for Organic Synthesis Prof Tsurugi Hayato Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science
Prof Ganesan Prabu Sankar M Chemistry Organo Gold(I) Molecules to Materials Prof Tsutsumi Osamu Ritsumeikan University Applied Chemistry
Prof Chatterjee Pritha F Civil Engineering/Adjunct faculty of Climate Change Microalgae-microbial fuel cell (mMFC): an integrated process for removal of xenobiotics in sewage and simultaneous electricity generation Prof Matsuura Norihisa Kanazawa University Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering
Prof Abhinav Kumar M Electrical Engineering Enhancing User Mobility in Cellular networks through Machine Learning Prof Yamaguchi (Shigetomi) Rie University of Tokyo Social ICT Research Center, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Sakai-Goshima Lab, Information and Communication Engineering)
Prof Subrahmanyam Challapalli M Chemistry Plasmon enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting Prof BIJU Vasudevan Pillai Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science
Prof Bhattacharjee Pinaki Prasad M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Development of novel cost-effective eutectic high entropy alloys with superior mechanical properties Prof Tsuji Nobuhiro Kyoto University Materials Science and Engineering
Prof Desarkar Maunendra Sankar M CSE Generating natural language descriptions/summaries of data tables Prof Aizawa Akiko National Institute of Informatics Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division
Prof Shanmugam Suriya Prakash M Civil Engineering Experimental Investigation on Fracture Behavior of High Strength Steel Reinforced Concrete using Acoustic Emission Prof KAWASAKI Yuma Ritsumeikan University Civil Engineering
Prof BHATTACHARYYA DEBRAJ M Civil Engineering Understanding the Fate and Effects of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds, Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Contaminated Water Bodies and in Treatment Plants Prof FUTAMATA Hiroyuki Shizuoka University Institution of Green Science and Technology
Prof Dutta Gupta Shourya M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Colloidal Crystal Materials Group, Research Center for Functional Materials Prof Fudouzi Hiroshi NIMS, Japan Colloidal Crystal Materials Group, Research Center for Functional Materials
Prof Selvaraj Ambika F Civil Engineering Application and Life Cycle Analysis of Waste-based Biochar for Water Treatment Prof Yoshikawa Naoki Ritsumeikan University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Science and Engineering

FRIENDSHIP 2.0 Joint Research Grant List 2023

PI Research Topic Co-PI
Name Sex Department Name University/Institute
Prof Panda Tarun Kanti M Chemistry Production of Polycarbonates as an alternative to engineering plastic employing bio-based monomers towards a sustainable world Prof Tsurugi Hayato Osaka University Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering
Prof Mehta Gunjan Deepak kumar M Biotechnology Role of chromatin remodelers in meiotic recombination and transcriptional switch during yeast meiosis, with emphasis on genetic disorders, infertility, and cancers. Prof Akira Shinohara Osaka University Laboratory of Genome-Chromosome Functions, Institute for Protein Research
Prof Rajagopal Amirtham M Civil Engineering Sustainable and Resilient Strengthening Solutions for Unreinforced Masonry structures in Rural India Prof Maddegedara Lalith The University of Tokyo Computational Science and High Performance Computing Laboratory, Earthquake Research Institute
Prof Ganapathy Nagarajan M Biomedical Engineering SMART-BEING: Smart Multimodal Enabled Affective Computing to Promote Wellbeing Prof Igasaki Tomohiko Kumamoto University Medical and Biological Engineering Laboratory, Department of Advanced Industrial Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Prof Kanagaraj Nithayanandan M Physics Design and DEvelopment of a multifuNctional all-fiber laser system for The “On-demand” generation of structured laser light (DENTO) Prof Omatsu Takashige Chiba University Director, Molecular Chirality Research Center
Prof Duraiswamy Suhanya F Chemical Engineering Label-free molecular spectroscopic studies for accurate and rapid detection of pathogens in urinary tract infection Prof Noothalapati Hemanth Shimane University Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
Prof Murapaka Chandrasekhar M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Development of novel spin Hall materials for spin-orbit torque based memory and logic devices Prof Mitani Seiji National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS) Director, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials
Prof Pati Falguni M Biomedical Engineering A novel bioprinted vascularized bone-on-chip micro-physiological model Prof Hojo Hironori The University of Tokyo Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine
Prof Prabhakaran Nair Kusumam Srijith M Computer Science and Engineering Advancing Machine Learning through Bayesian Causal Learning Prof Khan Emtiyaz RIKEN center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) Team Leaader, Approximate Baysian Inference Team, Generic Technology Research Group
Prof Bhattacharyya Debraj M Civil Engineering Improving the Nutrient and Micropollutant Removal Efficiency of Johkasou under Indian Conditions Prof Tiwari Kamal Daiki Axis India Pvt Ltd. Director and CEO

Research Grant Academic Collaboration 2024

PI Research Topic Co-PI
Name Department Name University Affiliation
Prof Bhargava Anamika Biotechnology Uncovering the functional roles and interplay of T-type calcium channels and estrogen receptors within various subtypes of breast cancers Prof Maturana Andres Daniel Nagoya University Department of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Prof Bhattacharjee Pinaki Prasad Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Recycled High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) for Bolstering Circular Economy Prof Miyajima Yoji Kanazawa University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering
Prof Jacob Alan Ranjit Chemical Engineering The role of viscoelasticity and structure in soft solids for designing novel food formulations with excellent processability and tunable digestibility Prof Kuroiwa Takashi Tokyo City University Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Prof Jampana Phanindra Varma Chemical Engineering Sparse Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Self-driving Wheelchairs Prof Nonaka Kenichiro Tokyo City University Mechanical Systems Engineering, Science and Engineering
Prof Kumar Abhinav Electrical Engineering Machine Learning-based Integrated Sensing and Communication in 6G Networks. Prof Yamaguchi (Shigetomi) Rie University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Prof Purkayastha Archak Physics Engineering effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for quantum technology Prof Hayakawa Hisao Kyoto University Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
Prof S. K. Karthick Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Deep sub-cavities in compressible flow Prof Ogawa Hideaki Kyushu University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering
Prof Singh Shiv Govind Electrical Engineering 1. Development of Reproducible, Stable, Sensitive, Selective Low Temperature Chemiresistive Pollutions Monitoring Gas Sensors : Through Utilization of CVD Graphene and CVD Metal Oxide thin film, Schottky Interface and Machine Learning
2. CVD Graphene and ALD Metal Oxide thin film and Schottky Interface for Development of Reproducible, Stable, Sensitive, Selective Low Temperature Chemiresistive Pollutions Monitoring Gas Sensors
Prof Ishikawa Ryousuke Tokyo City University Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Communication Engineering Advanced Research Laboratory
Prof Subrahmanyam Challapalli Chemistry Coupling Metal Halide Perovskites and Quantum Dots for Synergistic PEC Water Splitting and Mechanistic Understanding Prof Biju Vasudevan Pillai Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science

Fellowship 2024

Name Sex Department University/Institute
Prof Misra Ashish M Biotechnology Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
Prof Yemula Pradeep Kumar M Electrical Engineering Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Prof Prof Acharyya Amit M Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Faculty of Engineering /Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology,Department of Engineering, Shizuoka University
静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科工学専攻 - 電気電子工学コース
Prof Babu Deepu J. M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Shibaura Institute of Technology, Innovative Global Program
Prof Sandilya Saurabh M Physics Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
Prof Singh SAURABH KUMAR M Chemistry RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Computational Molecular Science Research Team
Prof Vaidyanathan Shantha Balaji Iyer M Chemical Engineering Nagoya University Graduate School of Infomatics, Department of Complex Systems Science
Prof Saride Sireesh Sex Department Name
Name M Civil Engineering Hokkaido University Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Civil Engineering
Prof Poomangalath Neelakantan Keshavan M Design Kindai University, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Prof Kamaraj Ashok M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Institute of Multidisciplinary, Research for Advanced Materials,Tohoku University.
Prof Naskar Anirban M Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Advanced Functional Surface Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Prof Kanagaraj Gnanaprakash M Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, The University of Tokyo

List of CKP (Phase 1)

ID FRIENDSHIP FIELD PI Sex Dep. Research Theme Co-PI
Name Institute
Batch 1 (2016/11/15-2019/11/14: 2-year project, however, extended one year due to procurement problems)
1. NTNS Pinaki Prasad BHATTACHARJEE M Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Challenging the Strength-Ductility Paradox in Materials: Cryo-Mechanical Processing of Nano-Lamellar Eutectic High Entropy Alloys
Professor Nobuhiro Tsuj
辻 伸泰 教授
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
京都大学大学院工学研究科 / 材料工学専攻
2. EE(Catalyst) Tarun Kanti PANDA M Chemistry Development of 100% Atom Economical Catalytic Transformations by Electropositive Metal Catalysts
Professor Kazushi Mashima
真島 和志 教授
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科 / 物質創成専攻未来物質領域
Batch 2 (2018/4/1-2020/2/28: 23-month project)
1. NTNS G Prabu Sankar M Chemistry Gold-N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Tuning from Blue to White Emission
Professor Tsutsumi Osamu
堤 治 教授
Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Life Sciences, Ristumeikan University
立命館大学 生命科学部 /応用化学科
2. NGCT Abhinav Kumar M Electrical Engineering Privacy preserving framework for location based services
山口 利恵 特任准教授
Social ICT Research Center, School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo,
3. EE Sushmee Badhulika F Electrical Engineering Nanomaterials based low cost, flexible and smart sensors for multifunctional sensing applications in healthcare
Professor Shigeyasu Uno
宇野 重康 教授
Department of Electorial Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
理工学部 /電気電子工学科 ナノバイオエレクトロニクス研究室
4. NGCT Srijith P. K. M Computer Science and Engineering Advancing deep learning with Bayesian modelling and faster inference algorithms
Emtiyaz Khan Approximate Bayesian Inference Team, Generic Technology Research Group, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project(AIP), RIKEN
理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター/汎用基盤技術研究グループ 近似ベイズ推論チームリーダー
5. SD Debraji Bhattacharyya M Civil Engineering Developing a cost-effective biological decentralized domestic wastewater treatment system using bacteria and microalgae for residential communities
Professor Soda Satoshi
惣田 訓 教授
Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
理工学部 /